Maka Bo, born in the United States and based in Rio de Janeiro since 1999, Maga Bo has collaborated with Mulatu Astatke, Issa Bagayogo, Bollywood star Shilpa Rao, BaianaSystem as well as releasing critically acclaimed remixes for Poirier, Luisa Maita, Filastine, Blick Bassy and Bomba Estéreo. His music and remixes have also been released on Tru-Thoughts, Ninja Tune, Cumbancha, Dutty Artz, World Connection and many others. Among his many international tours, he has performed at the Sydney Festival, WOMEX, Club Transmediale and Mundial.
Video directed by Emilio Domingos and filmed by Vitor Malheiros
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Video directed by Emilio Domingos and filmed by Vitor Malheiros
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