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štvrtok 30. januára 2014

Walter Fähndrich - Viola lV

Little bit "boring" video, but great masterpiece. Album was released in 1991. "The Performance series resulted from a new approach to the instrument viola. In this, I was strongly influenced by my dealing with electroacoustic sounds and non-European music over many years.
Of overriding importance is also here the construction of a musical space in and with a specific architectural space situation. – The space is singing." Walter Fähndrich

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štvrtok 23. januára 2014

C2C - Down The Road

Song by C2C, French turntable group released on 25 June 2012 on the On And On. Taken from the same-titled EP Down the Road (2012), also appears on the band debut album Tetr4. Written by Sylvain Richard, Guillaume Jaulin, Thomas Le Vexier, Pierre Forestier and Arnaud Fradin. Director of video is Thomas Tyman, production by Wanda, and also starring Richie Jackson, one of the best pro skater on the planet.

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